The easy way to install linked roller blinds.

Welcome to our simple guide for installing your new, linked roller blinds. Your custom kit is super easy to use, so have fun as you click, slide and lock parts together.

Before you get going

OK it's time to start installing,
let's take it step by step

Installing your blind is easy and fun. Follow these 7 steps, then kick back and admire a job well done.
Here's how to do it:

1 Get organised

  • 01 A facefit linked roller blinds A

    Unpack your custom kit and lay everything out on a clean floor under your window or doors.

  • 01 B facefit linked roller blinds B

    Lay out the panels in order from left to right (see labels on packaging) and with your roll direction the right way around based on whether you ordered front roll or back roll blinds.

    Roll up all your blinds so they're all in the same open position. We also mark each blind to help you line them up so they're level when you click them in.

    Lay out your brackets next to them in order from left to right. Use the layout guide at the bottom of this page, to help you order your brackets.

2 Mark up and attach your end brackets

  • 02 A facefit linked roller blinds A

    Take your pencil and both end brackets. Lift each bracket up into position and mark two level dots where the screws will attach each bracket to the frame. This will be in the top corners of your window or door frame.

  • 02 B facefit linked roller blinds B

    Using your cordless drill with the 3 mm drill bit, pre-drill 2 holes where you marked the two pencil dots.

  • 02 C facefit linked roller blinds C

    Pick up each end bracket and position it so the holes in the bracket are directly over the two holes you just drilled. Secure each end bracket with the screws in your custom kit, using your cordless drill with the Phillips head drill bit.

    If you only have one chain drive bracket remember to attach it at the right end as per your layout (see the layout guide at bottom of page).

3 Mark up your middle brackets

  • 03 A facefit linked roller blinds A

    Pick up a roller blind with a chain drive. Gently slot the chain end of the blind into the chain drive bracket on your window or door frame.

  • 03 B facefit linked roller blinds B

    Grab an Easy-Link bracket and pencil. Gently slot the other end of your blind into the Easy-Link bracket.

  • 03 C facefit linked roller blinds C

    Hold the blind level across the top of your frame. Check your blind isn't too tight between the brackets. It needs to roll up and down easily.

    Hold your bracket in place and slide your blind out of the brackets and put the blind down. Mark two level dots where you'll screw the Easy-Link bracket to your frame.

4 Attach your middle bracket(s)

  • 03 D 1 facefit linked roller blinds A

    Using your cordless drill with the 3 mm drill bit, pre-drill 2 holes where you marked the two pencil dots.

  • 03 E facefit linked roller blinds B

    Secure the Easy-Link bracket with the screws in your custom kit, using your cordless drill with the Phillips head drill bit.

    If you have 3 blinds, repeat steps 3 and 4 to mark the position of your middle blind and Easy-Link bracket. Check your blind isn't too tight between the brackets. 

    If you have 4 blinds, repeat step 3 and 4 twice to mark the positions of your middle blinds and brackets. Check your middle blinds aren't too tight between the brackets. Remember your middle brackets are two pin end brackets butting together, refer to the layout guide at the bottom of this page for help.

5 Click in all your blinds

  • 04 A facefit linked roller blinds A

    Pick up a roller blind with a chain drive again and gently slot the chain end into the chain drive bracket. Check that the hood over the chain is at 12 o'clock and the ACMEDA logo is at 6 o'clock.

    Remember that all your blinds need to be rolled up to the same open position before you click them in.

  • 04 B facefit linked roller blinds B

    Lift your blind into the Easy-Link bracket.

  • 04 C facefit linked roller blinds C

    Repeat for each roller blind in your layout until you've inserted all your blinds. For pin end brackets you'll hear a click when the blind is securely inserted.

    Remember to insert each blind in the right order and with the roll direction the right way around (front or back roll).

    If your blinds aren't lining up, see I need some extra help at the bottom of this page.

    Not a perfect fit? Don't stress. Your blinds should click into the brackets easily. But if they don't see the layout guide at the bottom of this page.

6 Make it child safe

  • 05 A facefit linked roller blinds A

    Click the p clip onto the bottom of the chain loop. Hold it into position and mark dots where it will attach to the frame or wall. The chain should hang down with minimal tension.

  • 05 B facefit linked roller blinds B

    Screw the p clip onto your frame or wall, using your cordless drill with the Phillips head drill bit. Remember it's best to attach the p clip to a wooden frame or wall stud, otherwise do your homework.

    If you have 2 chains repeat this step for your second chain.

  • 05 C facefit linked roller blinds C

    We take Australian child safety laws seriously. They state you must install a p clip if the chain is less than 1.6 metres from the floor. This is to prevent any risk of strangulation. See 'Let's get real about child safety' at the bottom for more info.

7 Get Insta ready

  • 06 A facefit linked roller blinds A

    Slide your two bracket covers onto the outside of each end bracket.

  • 06 B facefit linked roller blinds B

    Use the ball stopper to adjust precisely where the blind rolls down to. Roll it down until you’re happy with where it finishes, then grab your ball stopper and click it into the very top of the chain. This will help maximise the life of your blinds by taking some pressure off the fabric.

    If you have 2 chains, repeat this step for your second chain.


Congrats, you did it! Before you kick back and admire a job well done, don’t forget to snap some photos and share your look with us. And tag us on Instagram to really make our day.

Layout guide

If you're wondering where to position your brackets we've got you covered. Find your layout below and use the image to work out where your brackets go.

  • 1 linkedblinds brackets dual control A

    Dual control

    Brackets from left to right: Chain drive bracket | Easy-Link bracket | Chain drive bracket

  • 2 linkedblinds brackets left single control B

    Left single control

    Brackets from left to right: Chain drive bracket | Easy-Link bracket | Pin end bracket

  • 3 linkedblinds brackets right single control C

    Right single control

    Brackets from left to right: Pin end bracket | Easy-Link bracket | Chain drive bracket

  • 4 linkedblinds brackets dual control left linked D

    Dual control, left linked

    Brackets from left to right: Chain drive bracket | Easy-Link bracket | Easy-Link bracket | Chain drive bracket

  • 5 linkedblinds brackets dual control right linked E

    Dual control, right linked

    Brackets from left to right: Chain drive bracket | Easy-Link bracket | Easy-Link bracket | Chain drive bracket

  • 6 linkedblinds brackets left linked F

    Left linked

    Brackets from left to right: Chain drive bracket | Easy-Link bracket | Easy-Link bracket | Pin end bracket

  • 7 linkedblinds brackets right linked G

    Right linked

    Brackets from left to right: Pin end bracket | Easy-Link bracket | Easy-Link bracket | Chain drive bracket

  • 8 linkedblinds brackets dual control dual linked H

    Dual control, left/right linked

    Brackets from left to right: Chain drive bracket | Easy-Link bracket | 2 x Pin end brackets back to back | Easy-Link bracket | Chain drive bracket

Let's get real about child safety.

Children don't understand that a chain wrapped around their neck can tighten and strangle them in just a few minutes if they sit down, roll around or climb down to the floor.

Children have died when the loop went over their head or they got tangled in a loose chain while:

  • sleeping in a cot or bed near to where chains are hanging
  • playing near chains, or
  • standing on a chair, sofa or bed to look out of a window.

You must follow the Australian Government requirements when installing your blind.

  • Install your p clip exactly as per step 5 of this guide
  • Don't remove the warning label that comes attached to your blind
  • Attach your own label with your name and contact details (or the details of whoever is installing your blind for you)

I need some extra help

Have a question? We’re here to help
1300 918 390

Mon to Fri 8am - 5pm & Sat 10am - 3pm