
  • Ideal to cover sliding doors and large windows
  • Complete privacy when closed
  • Easily rotated for light control
  • Practical and stylish
  • Only available in Blockout

Slat Sizes


  • Classic look
  • Easy light control and privacy
  • Great insulation properties


  • Contemporary style
  • Minimal projection

Minimum and maximum sizes

Width: 300mm - 3000mm

Height: 400mm - 2750mm

Oversized Blinds

All blind widths over 3000mm are considered oversized. Although we use the highest quality lightweight heavy-duty track, blinds of this size run the risk of a slight bow in the track. This is standard for these dimensions and is not considered detrimental to the operation and effectiveness of this product. As a result no warranty claim against this aspect of the product will be considered.

Fitting Types

Vertical blinds are available in both face fit and recess fit.

  • Recess Fit

    For the blind to fit neatly inside the recess of your window/door we recommend a depth of 135mm for 127mm slats and 97mm depth for 89mm slats. When operating in a recess fit it is important to ensure that things such as window winders and handles will not obstruct the blind (please use the recess fit depth requirement as a guide to how much space is needed for the blind to clear obstructions).

  • Face Fit

    For a face fit we recommend adding 60-100mm in width to both sides of your window/door. The additional width you add is entirely optional. This is intended to increase the privacy and light control.


  • Do not use cleaning products to clean your blinds as they may damage the fabric or compromise the colour
  • General dusting is suitable and should be done regularly to maintain your blinds
  • For spot cleaning, remove as much dust as possible before wiping with a damp cloth
  • Refer to individual fabric properties for additional cleaning instructions


Track: 45mm x 27mm Aluminium

Track Colours: Anodised Silver, White, Black, Birch White, Magnolia, Beige

Brackets: Colour coordinated with track

Weights: Chained (standard), Chainless, Sewn in (additional $6)

Warranty: 5 years

Child Safety: Supplied with every blind to comply with Australian Child Safety Regulations


Chain (available in White, Black, Grey or Beige)

  • Left Control, Centre Opening

  • Right Control, Centre Opening

  • Left Control, Centre Stack

  • Right Control, Centre Stack

  • Left Control, Left Stack

  • Right Control, Left Stack

  • Left Control, Right Stack

  • Right Control, Right Stack

Wand (available in White)

  • Centre Opening, 2 Wands

  • Centre Stack, 2 Wands

  • Left Hand Stack, Single Wand

  • Right Hand Stack, Single Wand

Tips & Troubleshooting

  • My blind is hard to operate or making clunking noises
    It is likely that the blind is in the incorrect position in the Chain Drive bracket. Please go to Step 3 “Inserting the blind” and make sure that the end cap has not been rotated out of position. The ACMEDA logo should always be in the 6 o’clock position.
  • My blind is tracking to one side
    This can easily be remedied by unrolling the blind and placing a 10cm piece of masking tape onto the aluminium tube, on the side you need the blind to go to. Add a couple more layers for thickness until the blind rolls up straight. If this does not fix the problem, please contact us.
  • I need to clean my blind
    Cleaning the blind only requires a damp cloth. Make sure not to rub too hard as you may damage the Blockout coating.
  • My blind has a curve/kink
    Due to transport, or the blind being left in one position for a long period of time, a curve/kink may have formed in the cloth. Please let the blind settle and this should fall out over time (warm weather will usually help). Try to rotate the blind to different heights regularly to avoid this occurring.
  • I would like the chain on the opposite side
    Simply remove the end caps and swap them, along with the bracket positions, to opposite sides.

Have a question? We’re here to help
1300 918 390

Mon to Fri 9am - 5pm & Sat 10am - 3pm